
I am a freelance journalist and writer based in Jerusalem. I blog at +972 and, occasionally, at The Huffington Post.

I am a regular contributor to Al Jazeera English, The National, Inter Press Service, and the United Nation’s humanitarian news agency, IRIN.

My work has also appeared in The New York Times, Foreign Policy, The Guardian, Slate, The Daily Beast, Le Monde Diplomatique, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Counter Punch, Caravan, Agence France-Presse (AFP), The Boston Review, Outlook India– Newsweek’s Indian subsidiary– as well as The Palestine Israel Journal, Tablet, Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, The Jewish Daily Forward, Maan News Agency, Common Ground News Service, Zeek, Mondoweiss, Guernica, Souciant, The Khaleej Times, Daily News Egypt, France 24’s Observers, Public Art Review, Bookslut, and The Southeast Review among other international publications.

I have offered commentary about Israel for respected media outlets including the BBC and Al Jazeera.

My short story “Hills Behind Us” was featured as a Story of the Week in Narrative Magazine. My fiction has also been published The Kenyon Review Online, Zeek, and other publications. My poems have appeared in Babel Fruit and elsewhere.

I am a graduate of Florida State University’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, which The Atlantic Monthly has ranked as one of the top ten creative writing programs in the United States. I hold undergraduate degrees in English and Psychology. I am an avid traveler who has visited over 20 countries–from Spain to Lebanon to the Philippines and everywhere in between. I speak, read, and write Hebrew and am studying Arabic.

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