The Huffington Post, July 18, 2011 Counter Punch, July 19, 2011 The anti-boycott law, which the Israeli Knesset passed this week, has sparked a storm of controversy both inside Israel and within Jewish communities abroad. The legislation effectively criminalizes Israelis who answer the Palestinian civil society call to join the BDS movement — boycott, divestment, …
Souciant, July 13, 2011 The twelve days I spent in Athens, covering the Gaza flotilla as an embedded journalist, were stressful and confusing. I was still trying to wrap my head around things as I left Tel Aviv for a visit to the United States. Hearing others’ thoughts and feelings is one way we can …
Maan News Agency, June 25, 2011 Organizers of the US Boat to Gaza say that the Greek government has come under intense pressure from Israel. The Israeli government is allegedly using trade agreements with the Greeks as leverage. Spokesman of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gregory Delavekouras confirmed that Israel had contacted Greece about …
Maan News Agency, May 15, 2011 As though Israeli leaders aren’t doing enough to scare their citizens about Palestinian reunification and statehood, another “warning” has recently popped up on the streets of Tel Aviv. The walls, rather. It’s right-wing graffiti — a blue Star of David with the date “9/0/11” below. The meaning is clear. …